Landscape Design case study

7th October 2021, 12.30pm - 14.30pm


  • Ian Houlston, Director, LDA Design
  • Tim Johns, TEP – The Environmental Partnership
  • David Wesselingh, Associate, LDA Design
  • Paul Reynolds, Director, Tapestry & Hon. Secretary UDG
  • Tom Perry, LDA Design

BOB-MK Urban Design Network are pleased to present a webinar on Landscape Design. This event explores the subject of Landscape on designs looking at: the landscape, character and setting requirements, green infrastructure, LVIA and environmental assessments to support and inform our planners who are faced with landscape considerations on a daily basis.

We have gathered a panel of experts to present their insights into this subject looking at both policy and theory as well as real life case studies in this area. BOB-MK members can learn more about this a topic and get their questions answered on the landscape subject.