Our Programme for BOBMK focuses on how urban design, planning, housing, landscape, public realm, sustainability, streets and transport and other key challenges are being met in our region
Together with our local authority subscribers, network members and sponsors we meet together to share experiences, innovations and learn about best practice. Our members can suggest the subjects that they are interested in and we build events and training around these and other topical issues. Our aim is to bring urban design skills, support and knowledge to our local authority members to guide them in their daily work and give inspiration and peer to peer support whilst providing local knowledge.
BOBMK deliver design services to suit the requirements of the client or applicant.
The BOBMK Design services provides a more advisory/participatory approach using independent experts who are able to provide a greater understanding of local context, i.e. experts in various fields from BOBMK local authorities plus professionals from outside the BOBMK network to ensure objectivity.
We deliver best practice by visiting exemplar projects, learning from industry experts and reviewing key case studies and learnings.
Our design services, surgeries, guidance and training can be tailored to meet your needs and requirements, local knowledge, shorter timescales and competitive fees.