Headington, Oxfordshire
Oxfordshire County Council
Headington, Oxfordshire
Oxfordshire County Council
The Access to Headington (A2H) project is being progressed by Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) to promote a package of highway, bus priority, cycle and pedestrian improvement proposals to enhance access to major employment, health and education sites in the Headington area, to the east of Oxford. This is also needed to support new housing and jobs in Headington, and beyond, without attracting more traffic to the area.
Existing traffic congestion leads to a number of problems, including delays to bus services and an unwelcoming environment for pedestrians and cyclists. The aims of the A2H project are to:
OCC carried out public consultation on the feasibility designs during summer 2015. Based on comments received, design proposals are being updated before detailed design work begins.
Construction of the scheme is proposed from summer 2016. The project is worth £12.5m, with £8.2m from the Local Growth Fund and £4.3m in local contributions.
The design includes the use of both on and off road cycle provision. Where cycle provision is off road, widths are maximised as space will allow. In locations where space allows, hybrid cycle lanes have been implemented (for example on The Slade). The aim of the hybrid cycle lane is to provide a wide (2.0m) cycle lane off carriageway, with a small grade separation (50mm) from carriageway and footway level.