Design review

Review panels, workshops, training events and design surgeries.

Design Reviews and Workshops starting from £2500

Design Review is an independent and impartial evaluation process conducted by a panel of built environment experts and is an essential part of the planning process, Design Review Panels promote high quality design to help create better buildings, streets and public spaces in the city.

Disciplines of the panel

  • Architecture
  • Heritage
  • Landscape architecture
  • Placemaking
  • Planning
  • Public realm
  • Sustainability
  • Transport /Highways
  • Urban design

    Further information

    BOBMK – A locally responsive design review service

    • Independent service with expert panelists
    • Advisory report and recommendations
    • For the benefit of and focused on the BOBMK area
    • Complimentary to other National, Regional & Local design review panels
    • Readily available to local authorities and developers
    • Working in accordance with “Design Review: principles and practice” set by Design Council

    Design panel members

    The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) reinforces the role of Design Review in ensuring high standards of design. ODRP operates under the nationally accepted Design Review Principles and Practice guidance document.

    BOB-MK encourage all minor and major development proposals to be assessed at design review before a planning application is submitted, a fee is charged for the service.

    Design Review fee schedule

    Size of schemeCost per scheme*Panel members
    1-10 dwellings£25003
    11-200 dwellings£27504
    201-500 dwellings£35004
    500+ dwellings£40004-5
    Major development (e.g. garden town)£50004-6
    Non-residential (single building)£25003
    Large retail devpt/ business or science park etc.£52504-6

    *The fee schedule is for guidance only and the actual fee quoted will depend on the complexity of the project.